Malvern U3A


Our Art & Handicrafts Groups

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Please click on the group below for more information

Group CodeGroup NameVenueDayTime
HAND1HANDICRAFTSVictoria Park Bowling Clubon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday09.45-12.00
HAND2HANDICRAFTS 2Victoria Park Bowling Clubon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday14.00-16.00
PNT1PAINTING 1Hanley Swan Village Hallon the 1st and 3rd Wednesday14.00-16.00
PNT2PAINTING 2Elmslie Houseon the 2nd and 4th Friday14.00-16.00
PNT3PAINTING 3Malvern Cube Community Centreon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday09:45-11:45
PTCH1PATCHWORK AND NEEDLE SKILLSVictoria Park Bowling Clubevery Wednesday14.00-16.00
PTCH2PATCHWORK 2 AND NEEDLECRAFTVictoria Park Bowling Clubon the 2nd and 4th Monday14.00-16.00
SLKP1SILK PAINTINGVictoria Park Bowling Clubon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday14.00-16.00
WCRV1WOOD CARVINGMalvern Cube Community Centreevery Friday10.00-13.00