Malvern U3A

Board, Card Games and Puzzles

Our Board, Card Games and Puzzles Groups

Welcome to our card and board games groups. These include card games such as Bridge and Canasta, traditional games such as chess as well as miscellaneous others such as cryptic crosswords. Prior to Covid there were groups regularly playing scrabble and similar table top games. These have not yet resumed but may do so in the future.

Photo by Paul Manning 2024

Please click on the group below for more information

Group CodeGroup NameVenueDayTime
BRDG0BRIDGE [**INFORMATION**]- (Venue to be arranged) -To be AdvisedNo set times available
BRDG1BRIDGE BEGINNERSManor Park Sports Clubevery Thursday14.00-16.00
BRDG2BRIDGE DUPLICATE 2Manor Park Sports Clubevery Monday14.00-17.00
BRDG3BRIDGE DUPLICATE 3 Elmslie Houseevery Thursday14.00-17.00
BRDG4BRIDGE (EAT GROUP)Holy Trinity Parish Hallevery Tuesday10.00-12.00
CAN1CANASTAThe Leader's homeon the 3rd Tuesday14.15-17.00
CAN2CANASTA 2The Leader's homeon the 1st Tuesday14.00-17.00
CHES1CHESSLansdowne Crescent Methodist Churchon the 1st and 3rd Wednesday14.00-16.30
CROS1CRYPTIC CROSSWORDSSaint Andrew's Church Centreon the 1st and 3rd Monday14.00-16.00
ESTM1ESTIMATIONS CARD GAMEMalvern Cube Community Centreevery Monday10.00-12.00