Malvern U3A

Maths, Science and Earth Sciences

Our Maths, Science & Earth Sciences Groups

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Welcome to our Maths, Science and Earth Science groups

Please click on the group below for more information

Group CodeGroup NameVenueDayTime
ASTR1ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSZoomCheck with LeaderCheck with Leader
GEOL1GEOLOGYMalvern Cube Community Centreon the 3rd Friday10.00-12.00
HBOD1THE HUMAN BODYMalvern Cube Community Centreevery Friday14.30-16.30
MAT1MATHEMATICAL TOPICSManor Park Sports Clubon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday14.00-16.00
MATH1EXPLORING MATHEMATICAL IDEASManor Park Sports Clubon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday14.00-16.00
NATH1NATURAL HISTORYManor Park Sports Clubon the 1st Monday10.00-12.00
SCI1SCIENCE ( GENETICS AND EVOLUTION )Poolbrook Village Hallon the 2nd Thursday10.00-12.00