Malvern U3A Geology Group

Welcome to the Malvern U3A Geology Group Website


The group was formed in 2008 within the Malvern branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A).The aim of the group is to  promote the study of geology following the U3A principles ‘learners teach and the teachers learn’. As well as geology we also study associated topics like fossils and volcanism. The membership has grown since then and currently stands at around 125 active members.
Our membership is not currently capped and is open to all Malvern or local U3A branch members.
During the Autumn and Winter months we meet on the 3rd Friday of the month from 10.00-12.00 at the Malvern Cube (see Map) when we have talks by our own members and visiting speakers – see Calendar for details.
During the warmer summer months we organise outdoor visits to areas of interest locally in the Malvern area and further afield in the UK together with overseas field trips (usually once a year). This includes looking at the interaction between geology and landscapes, fossils and related topics such as the stones used in our buildings and monuments. We also aim to learn more about the subject by:
  • Encouraging study and research in small groups (Subgroups)
  • Providing a library of geology maps, leaflets and books (Library)
  • A rock and mineral collection available to borrow or view on-line (Rock Collection)
  • A microscope available to borrow (Loan Rules)

    In addition:

  • We provide a series of introductory talks in the early autumn for newcomers to the subject
  • We email to all members a monthly newsletter and magazine (‘Geology Matters’)

Recent Activities

To get an idea of what we get up to have a look here at some pictures from field trips we have done in the past few years in the UK and abroad,


For more information please contact either:

Group Leader: Roger Hunt
Phone: 01684 305005


Group Contact: Richard Harris
Phone: 01886 880699

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