Rock Collection

Rock Collection

Collection Kept at Malvern Cube in 8 Boxes in the Geology Cupboard 
To Borrow Items Contact Dick Harris by:
Phone: 01886 880699

Please contact Dick Harris if you have any good rock samples that you would be willing to lend or donate to the collection

To View an Image of any Rock Click on its Rock Name Below

Box No Item Rock Name
7 9 Ironstone (Sedimentary)
1 10 Larvikite (Polished)
1 3 Larvikite (Rough)
3 8 Limestone 2 (Bioclastic)
5 9 Limestone 3 (Bioclastic)
3 3 Limestone 4 (Oolitic)
5 2 Magnetite 1
8 17 Magnetite 2
2 10 Marble 1 (Pentelic)
2 13 Marble 2 (Gross Glockner)
2 11 Mica Schist + Garnet
2 12 Mica/Phyllite/Schist + Garnet
1 14 Microgranite 1
8 18 Microgranite 2
5 4 Mudstone
7 1 Mudstone
8 19 Muscovite Mica
5 11 Obsidian 1
6 11 Obsidian 2
8 21 Obsidian 3
8 23 Olivine
8 22 Olivine Dolerite
1 21 Pegmatite
4 6 Pegmatite Vein + Muscovite Mica
7 10 Peridotite 1 (The Lizard)
8 25 Peridotite 2 (Finland)
2 6 Phyllite 1
2 7 Phyllite 2
4 2 Phyllite Schist + Mica
4 5 Porphyry (Red) + Feldspar Phenocrysts
6 4 Porphyry 2
1 16 Pumice
8 28 Pyrite
4 7 Quartz (Pure)
4 16 Quartz (Rose)
4 21 Quartz (Tourmalinised)
5 10 Quartz 2 (Pure)
8 29 Quartz Points (Madagascar)
6 8 Quartz Vein in Basalt
4 15 Quartz with Garnets and Muscovite Mica
2 9 Quartzite (Metamorphic)
7 12 Quatzite (Rubery, Lickey Hills)
1 13 Rhyolite 1
1 17 Rhyolite 2 (Arran)
8 30 Rhyolite 3 Felsite
8 31 Rhyolite 4 (Langdale)
7 7 Sandstone (Red)
7 11 Sandstone (Rubery, Lickey Hills)
7 6 Sandstone (Yellow)
7 3 Sandstone with Feruginous Cement
4 18 Schist
5 5 Schist (Semi-Pelitic)
1 1 Selenite
5 8 Serpentinite
4 11 Shale/Hornfels (Contact Metamorphism)
2 2 Slate (Pyritiferous)
2 4 Slate 2
4 10 Slate/Hornfels (Contact Metamorphism)
1 5 Sulphur
2 3 Tourmaline in Quartz 1
4 3 Tourmaline in Quartz 2
6 6 Tufa
1 15 Tuff 1 (Pyroclastic)
8 32 Tuff 2 (Volcanic)


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