We meet every Thursday from 14.00-16.00.
Venue: Christchurch Hall
Inactive: Last Thursday in month..
This is a new group planned to commence on Thursday 3rd October, but with an introductory meeting for beginners on Thursday 26th September. The group will meet weekly (except the last Thursday in the month) at Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road. Please contact Mike Brookes for further information
Progressive Whist is a playing card game (with the normal 52 cards and 4 suit deck), where players move table between games. (Disabled players may remain seated if they wish).
This encourages more social interaction than most card and board games, where players may play with the same partner or people throughout.
Basic strategies for play are easily learnt, and will be outlined for beginners/newcomers. Though informal and relaxed, with a refreshment break at half-time, it is competitive with prizes for the best scores
Phone: 01684 437198
Email: mbrookes -at- uwclub -dot- net