
Welcome to the …

We meet twice a month for ‘Strum and Sing’ sessions.  These are open to anyone – from complete beginners to experienced players – with a new playlist each month based on our library of songbooks.  Click on ‘Strum and Sing sessions‘ for more information.

We also have two instrumental groups, each with 4-5 players.  Each group meets fortnightly on a Tuesday morning.  We have a selection of arranged music that is used by the groups.

All of these musical arrangements are to be used for educational purposes only.

Here are some useful ukulele links:

Got A Ukulele  
site for ukulele reviews, tips and general ukulele know-how.  https://www.gotaukulele.com/

Chords, tuning etc.

Local ukulele stuff
Worcester Ukulele Club (meets every Monday in a pub):

For more information about the Malvern U3A