Malvern U3A


Elmslie House

How to Get There

Public Information


No public parking directly on site but lots of free parking on the adjacent residential roads.


Elmslie house has a number of rooms that u3a groups use. Detailed information is kept on their website. Please check with your group leader which room your group uses.

Food and Drink

Access to the lower floor kitchen is sometimes available for some groups - check with your group leader.


Public Wifi is available. Network/Passwords may not be publically advertised - check with your group leader as need be.


Groups using this venue

Group CodeGroup NameDayTime
BRDG3BRIDGE DUPLICATE 3 every Thursday14.00-17.00
DOWS1DOWSING - beginners and improverson the 3rd Tuesday14.00-15.30
PNT2PAINTING 2on the 2nd and 4th Friday14.00-16.00
POET1POETRY PLEASEon the 2nd Monday10.00-12.00
POET2POETRY PLEASE 2on the 4th Monday10.00-12.00
THET1THEATRE STUDIESon the last Wednesday10.00-12.00