Malvern U3A


Manor Park Sports Club

How to Get There

Public Information

Free parking is available for visitors on site

Groups using this venue

Group CodeGroup NameDayTime
BOOK1BOOK SHAREon the last Friday10.30-12.30
BRDG1BRIDGE BEGINNERSevery Thursday14.00-16.00
BRDG2BRIDGE DUPLICATE 2every Monday14.00-17.00
CW4CREATIVE WRITING TECHNIQUESon the 3rd Tuesday10.00-12.00
MATH1EXPLORING MATHEMATICAL IDEASon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday14.00-16.00
FRRV1FRENCH REVISITEDon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday10.00-12.00
MAT1MATHEMATICAL TOPICSon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday14.00-16.00
MLHS1MILITARY HISTORYon the 2nd Friday10.00-12.00
NATH1NATURAL HISTORYon the 1st Monday10.00-12.00
PHO1PHOTOGRAPHYon the 3rd Friday10.00-12.00
PCKL1PICKLEBALLevery Friday12:30-14:45
PLRD1PLAY READING 1on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday10.00-12.00
SHKE2SHAKESPEARE ON PAGE AND STAGEon the 4th Wednesday13.45-16.00
SOLO1SOLOSon the 1st Saturday10.00-12.00
SPIM1SPANISH IMPROVERS 1every Tuesday10.00-12.00