Malvern U3A


Victoria Park Bowling Club

How to Get There

Public Information


Free visitor car parking is available onsite. Enter the park at the Victoria Park road. Follow the internal road broadly to the left towards the back of the park. The bowling club building is towards the back with parking for approximately 20 vehicles or so adjacent to it.


The bowling club has a single large room that u3a groups use.

Food and Drink

Kitchen facilities are available.



Venue Website

Groups using this venue

Group CodeGroup NameDayTime
HAND1HANDICRAFTSon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday09.45-12.00
HAND2HANDICRAFTS 2on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday14.00-16.00
PTCH2PATCHWORK 2 AND NEEDLECRAFTon the 2nd and 4th Monday14.00-16.00
PTCH1PATCHWORK AND NEEDLE SKILLSevery Wednesday14.00-16.00
PHIL1PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSIONon the 2nd and 4th Wednesday10.00-12.00
SLKP1SILK PAINTINGon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday14.00-16.00
SOCL2SOCIAL HISTORYon the 1st and 3rd Tuesday10.00-12.00