Malvern U3A Geology Group Library

Group Library

How to borrow

The Malvern U3A Geology Group library is now catalogued in an Excel Workbook.

The books, maps, guides and booklets are available on loan to members of the group. A selection of the materials will be displayed at our indoor meetings. You can borrow them there, and return them at the next meeting in about one month’s time. If you wish to look at or borrow a particular item from the catalogue, please get in touch with our librarian. She can bring the item to the next meeting or arrange for you to collect it from her house between meetings.

The Catalogue

Click here for an introduction to the library format. There are four sections to the catalogue, which you can download:

Abbreviations and explanations:

EHT – Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust
BGS – British Geological Survey
Nat. Hist. – Natural History Museum
tr. – translated
Introduct. – Introductory, assuming little or no knowledge of geology
Intermed. – Intermediate, assuming some basic knowledge
Advanced – University or experienced level
Readable – Books of which you can comfortably read a chapter an evening, rather than books for reference or study.

Guidelines for borrowing

Please take good care of materials, especially if you take them into the field. This particularly applies to geological maps. We envisage maps being used at home, or possibly in your car. Please make photocopies of relevant areas (for your own use only) if you want to take them into quarries, up hills, or out in the rain.

The normal loan period will be one month.

We hope that you will find something interesting and useful. We also need your help if the system is to grow. If you can offer materials to lend to other members or donations for the library, or if you have any suggestions, please get in touch.

Team Leader: Maggie Smith phone 01684 567278, email

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