Plate Tectonics Subgroup

Plate Tectonics Subgroup

The Plate Tectonics Subgroup ran for nearly 10 years. At the start we studied the history and basic processes of PT moving on to a deeper understanding of the physics & chemistry involved.

The group studied many real world examples revealing the complexity of the processes.  We later looked at possible evidence for plate tectonic activity on other planets in the solar system.

It was deciced in October 2022 to close the subgroup in its present form as suitable new material was becoming difficult to find.

In principle there is a strong case for restarting the subgroup for members new to the subject. The first step would be to find a leader. If you are interested and would like to find out more please contact me.

Leader and Contact: Richard (Dick) Harris

Tel: 01886 880699   Email:

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