Malvern U3A

GRP FLMG4 Film Group 4

Film Group 4

We meet on the 1st Monday from 10.00-12.00.

Venue: Private or various locations. Contact the leader for details

Inactive: August.

We view and discuss films showing at cinemas / Arts Centres in the local area - mainly Malvern and also at smaller venues in Malvern - The Cube and North Malvern Arts Co-op and at local Film Festivals. During the first part of the meeting we discuss films we have seen, and after coffee we look at what's on for the coming month and draw up a short list of possible films to view.

The aim of the group is to enjoy cinema going and our discussions about the films we have seen and increase our knowledge of film in general. We encourage members to view films that they might not normally see.

Leader: Julia Davies
Phone: 01684 562264
Email: julia -dot- davies -dot- 55 -at- icloud -dot- com