Malvern U3A

GRP PLRD1 Play Reading 1

Play Reading 1

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 10.00-12.00.

Venue: Manor Park Sports Club, Albert Rd North, Malvern, WR14 2TL.

(Inactive during: August).

Currently we meet on alternate Tuesdays from 10.00-12.00 at Manor Park Sports Club.

The group aims to have fun, relax and enjoy our meetings, consequently all inhibitions are left behind, shouts, screams, sobs, and much laughter can be heard emanating from the conservatory at Manor Park!

We also learn a lot about plays, all sorts from tragedy to comedy. Chekhov to Ayckbourn and more. We would be pleased to add one or two new members to our happy crew.

Leader: Annie Martin
Phone: 01684 569257
Email: annie_martin -at- btinternet -dot- com
Contact: Jane Alison
Phone: 01684 566227
Email: n/a