Patchwork And Needle Skills
We meet every Wednesday from 14.00-16.00.
Venue: Victoria Park Bowling Club
Inactive: August.
We are a 'self-help' group without an instructor. Members work at their own pace and inclination and on whatever piece of work interests them.
We aim to enjoy patchwork and quilting, together with any other type of needle skill we may take on, and to share expertise, knowledge and experience with our fellow group members.
Leader: Sue Wheeler
Phone: 01684 569656
Email: sue -dot- moelfryn -at- sky -dot- com
Phone: 01684 569656
Email: sue -dot- moelfryn -at- sky -dot- com
Joint Leader: Jane Willoughby
Phone: 01684 574442
Email: aljanwi2000 -at- yahoo -dot- co -dot- uk
Phone: 01684 574442
Email: aljanwi2000 -at- yahoo -dot- co -dot- uk