Sing Anyway!
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 11.00-12.30.
Venue: Malvern Rugby Football Club
Inactive: July,August.
New term starts January 15th 2025
Think you can’t sing? That’s ok, you can come along and Sing Anyway! Everyone is welcome.
The group is led by Sunnara who has been leading ‘all voices welcome’ singing groups for many years and is a member of the Natural Voice Network. We sing altogether in one big circle, and enjoy all sorts of rounds and part songs with wonderful harmonies. We sing acappella, without musical accompaniment, and we learn all the songs by ear just by listening and copying, so you don’t need to read music to come along and enjoy yourself at Sing Anyway!
Doors open at 10.45 for registration and we have a short refreshment break part the way through to chat and socialise.
Our group started in 2017 with a few apprehensive members who thought they couldn’t sing. Now we are a much larger group, with lots of smiles and confidence and the feeling of well-being that comes with singing together with friends in harmony. You are very welcome to get in touch to see if we have space for you to join us.
Phone: 07779 456975
Email: sunnaravivian -at- gmail -dot- com
Phone: 07811 537345
Email: simonmurrayvivian -at- gmail -dot- com